We procure Indonesian products based on customers’ requests and will treat both domestic and international sales as part of a trade agency business.

In the trade business, we are knowledgeable of the related laws and procedures of each country, and we can assist in preparing the required documents. As it is necessary to carry out complicated procedures, we are able to reduce customer load with the support of our trade-related operations. Ran collectively, this makes a smooth trade possible.

In addition, we utilize the Cakra Group to offer a wide range of support from the collection, warehouse storage, inspection, and customs clearance to delivery; which enables us to respond to different customer needs.

Moreover, we are developing a wide range of services including consulting support based on our previous experiences in this business.

Needs a Solution that Fits Your Business?

PT Cakra Mitra International
PT Cakra Gemilang Prakasa
Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No.67, Tegal Parang,
Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta - 12790 Indonesia
TEL: (+62) 21-79192947

Bekasi Warehouse
Kp. Awirarangan RT.001/005, Desa Tamansari, Setu,
Bekasi - 17320, Indonesia

Cakung Warehouse
Green Sedayu Biz Park Cakung GS 16 No. 21,
Cakung Timur, Cakung,
Jakarta Timur-13910, Indonesia

PT Logicom Cakra Indonesia
Jl. Anggrek VII, KITIC, Nagasari, Serang Baru,
Bekasi-17330, Indonesia

Cakra International Co.,Ltd.
Matsushita Building 2nd Floor.
2-12-13, Shinkawa, Chuo-Ku.
Tokyo, Japan, 104-0033
TEL: (+81) 3-58298718


Customer Services

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